Espresso vs Coffee – What is the difference?

Espresso is coffee.

It is a brewing method that produces a more concentrated amount of coffee in a much shorter brew time than drip coffee.  Hot water is forced through fine grounds, under high pressure, typically using a machine.  It is often served in small cups and with a layer of crema on top (a golden foam).

In comparison, coffee is typically brewed with hot water poured over ground beans. Water drips through the grounds by gravity – no pressure is applied.

The most common method of brewing coffee in America is often called ‘drip coffee’, as it relies upon gravity for extraction.

Aeropress Coffee Maker – The Inverted Method (How to)

Aeropress Inverted Method

My favourite way to use the Aeropress coffee maker is by using the Inverted Method. The video below is a quick “how to” on the subject.

The Inverted Method is less messy-I like to press the coffee through, rather than let it drip, as it does when you follow the instructions on the box.

Despite what some say, the Aeropress coffee maker does not make true espresso. However, it does make great coffee for such a simple and portable device. I take this with me on my travels.

The Aeropress has a huge fan base and many users love to experiment and innovate with unique recipes-a popular one being the Inverted Brewing Method, which is used in the video I link below.

There is even a World Aeropress Championship, where Aeropress users compete to showcase their own recipes.

Many of us don’t have time in the morning to fuss with scales and thermometers, so don’t worry about being precise.  The device is pretty forgiving – the most important thing is to use fresh coffee and if you’re me, not to spill it.